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Recovery of Interest on Net Cash Tax Liability | Administrative Arrangement

Central Board of Indirect Tax and Customs (CBIC) has issued administrative instruction on 18th September, 2020. The said order has been addressed to all the commissioners of Central Tax and Director General.  

The said instruction inter-alias en-lights legal background governing the most debatable topic in GST i.e. interest on late payment has to be charged on Net Tax Cash Liability  or Gross. 

The table mentioned below covers all provisions made in this regard

Evolutionary Background

35th GST Council Meeting Dated 21st June, 2019 Proposal to Charge Interest on Net Cash Tax Liability
Finance Act, 2019 Proposal to Charge Interest on Net Cash Tax Liability was enacted via amendment made by Finance Act (No. 2), 2019
39th GST Council Meeting Dated 14th March, 2020 GST Council Recommended Interest to be charged on net cash liability retrospectively. 

Notification No. 63/2020 – Central Tax-Dated 25th August, 2020

Amendment mentioned above applicable prospectively from 1st September, 2020
Press Release Dated 26th August Press release issued to clarify the position that no recoveries shall be made for the past period as well by the Central and State tax administration 
Administrative arrangement dated 18th September, 2020 a. for period 1st July 2017 to 31st August, 2020; filed formations are instructed to recover interest only on net cash liability (i.e that portion of tax which have been paid by debiting the electronic cash ledger or is payable through cash ledger

b. where everever show casuse notice (SCN) have been issued the same may be kept in call book till retrospective amendment in section 50 of the CGST, Act is carried out

Also Read:Interest on Net Liability to be applicable Prospectively from 1st September, 2020 | Press Release

Click Here to Download CBIC Instruction Dated 18th September, 2020

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