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  • Post last modified:August 9, 2020
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COVID19 outbreak has given a tremendous downfall in the Opportunities in the market due to which there is high retrenchments and volatility of the job switch, as you know these days the interviews are being executed on video calling, being manager in the organization and as per past experience I have taken as well as given various interviews so I am going to share some of the Frequently asked questions by the interviewer for the Post of Managers or likely positions.

One must prepare some basic question “About Himself” one must be confident enough to express about himself and how he has dealt various situations in the past, also be yourself i.e. what you are and do not miss the contributions which you have made to your organization. Further if you initiate your conversation with interviewer like greeting and asking how is your day, it brings a positive impact on the mind set of the interviewer also when you end up your interview do not forget to greet like “Have a good Day Ahead”, “Nice to talk to you” etc.

So here are the compilation of questions which I have gone through in my Past Interviews, (It is my personal Experience and my expected answers, this might different for each one of you so prepare these as per your suitability MORAL:- DO NOT COPY PASTE)

Question 1:- When did you face any challenges and how did you overcome it ?

Hint:- In this question you need to assess your best hurdle which you have succeeded to solve and outcome of which results in organization’s streamline of process or beneficial to the organization.

Answer:- As being Team Lead I had to face less challenges as I got the team members with knowledge and the training which has been given to them was enough to do process with full perfection but as human being there are certain process restrictions due to which need to face hurdles like process is purely done in the night shift and being the Team Lead for Day shift it was not easy to assign the process so that for each Team Member would achieve its score including me, so through analyzing various task in the process I have allocated the work according to their score so that each member would achieve the Target Points.

Question 2:- How would you say the team performs when they get frustrated ?

Hint:- First admit this point as this is Human Behavior that somewhere down the line there are situations where the team members get frustrated and being manager or Team lead you need to council them.

Answer:- I completely agree to your point that there are situations where as a Team lead we need to have many conversation with the Team Members when they are frustrated with monotonous work as well as their might be situation where the team members are frustrated with some other team members or having any disturbance in the family. The simple solution to this issue would be to have more and more interaction to that person and try to clear out the doubts they have.

Question 3:- What if you are giving a training session and someone didn’t understood, how will you treat that ?

Hint:- Accept that you have gone through this situation and Again its Behavioral question someone is quick learner, some needs time to understand particular thing.

Answer:- Being Trainer of the Technical subject we need to give training of the subject like we are giving to layman, but if someone do not understand first I would like to give him some time and then ask him to recall all things which I have taught, if still not understand then with examples need to take the personal sessions to clear out the doubt.

Question 4:- Have there been any situation where you had to take a different decision than normal and how did you did that ?

Hint:- This question you need to answer properly, as this shows your quality of being out of the Box thinker, but be genuine if there are no certain situations then positively say no but answer if there would be I would be ready to handle such situation.

Answer:- Yes, as the environment is dynamic we need to think out of the box, I was having tow positions one is Team Lead and other was Subject Matter Expert (SME), while both the responsibilities I was managing well but your growth depends on the growth of your team members so I have step down from the SME position which I think was perfect decision to grow my team stronger.

Question 5:- How do you prioritize your day ?

Hint:- This question shows how you manage time for work as well as your personal time, it is not all about your duty hours.

Answer:- Being health conscious I use to start my day with yoga to be positive and active through out the day and stick to my diet plans with proper timings, when it comes to work as time fly so quick first I plan all my meeting with Team Members and Allocate work to each one. Further when day ends a quick feedback is required so I go through a quick group team meeting so that the challenges faced by each one would be known to other and solution to which can be given at once.

Question 6:- How will you deal if you don’t agree with the management decision?

Hint:- You need to very careful with this question as this would bring to their notice that how you react to managements decision.

Answer:- Communication and Interaction with your superior is the only way out to get your doubts clear, which you do not agree, if your issue is strong and fair enough definitely it will be considered otherwise you need to thing for alternative methods or decisions.

Question 7:- If there is conflict among two team members, how will you handle this?

Hint:- Give Answer with example and state the reason why it has occurred.

Answer:- Conflict Management is the key for Successful Manager and I think I have that skill as I have managed such situation in past very well, there is situations in which rumors are spread through which there was conflict between the team members, under this situation need to identify the source of rumor and need to clarify this to your team members. And if the source was not found then you need strong communication with your team to handle this situation.

Question 8:- What is a constructive feedback?

Hint:- Answer with Example.

Answer:- A Constructive feedback is one which is given to a person which is for improvement in the person and results in overall benefit of the person, organization and other Team Members. For Ex. If a Process needs a change then a positive feedback towards change which is beneficial to whole organization, the person and other team member is a constructive feedback.

Question 9:- If you have a suggestion, how will you suggest it to your manager?

Hint:- This shows your quality of presenting your views and communication with your superior.

Answer:- First I will analyse all the Prospective and consequences of the suggestion or the change which need to implement then I will make a proper presentation on it and initiate a meeting with my manager, along with it I would like to take the feedback of the subordinate or the persons directly dealing the situation.

Question 10:- What challenges will you face as a manager?

Hint:- In This question the Interviewer needs to check the best quality which you have and will implement in further course of your tenure.

Answer:- As per my experience as Team Lead and interacting with my managers the main 3 challenges are Bringing Out the Best in Your Employees

Dealing with Underperforming Employees

Hiring the Right People

For these things I have already prepared to how I will manage these and will definitely positive towards it.

Question 11:- What are your achievements and timeline?

Hint:- Mark your achievement which are Financially as well as operationally beneficial to the organization.

Answer:- If considering my achievements, being Team Lead if I manage all my responsibilities in time with all the Targets along with team growth I see this as achievement and yes I have achieved the same many times in which I have managed my teams score with the drawback of being in the day shift.

Question 12:- Why should you be selected for this role or Why Should We Hire You?

Hint:- Don’t just respond with a generic answer like, “I’m smart, qualified and I want this job.” Of course, you do, or you wouldn’t be sitting in this interview. It’s almost certain that every other candidate is going to be saying nearly the same thing.

Answer:- Thank you for Asking this question, as I have already mentioned that am ready to take all the challenges which a manager has to face, this also been acknowledged by the existing managers as well as my subordinate team members. I have effectively managed the team of over 7 team members also I have trained over and above 40 Persons which are now Team Leads and a resource to the organisation. During past 2 years I have been, my skills and knowledge has been enhanced with the organisation, am glad that my seniors have selected me for this position and am confident that I will be effective manager for this team.

Question 13:- What are the Qualities you think a Manager would have?

Hint:- Mention your qualities which you have mentioned in the resume.

Answer:- Qualities which I think a manager have would be:-

Who is Approchable to Everyone

Who empower the subordinates

Who gives constructive feedback

Who works to make team successful

Who understand the working style of its Team Members.

Question 14:- You said you’d been here since 2 years and there has been alot of changes how have you adapted to them?

Hint:- Do not make it too large, keep it crisp and clear.

Answer:- Please write your own. As this differ from person to person.

Question 15:- Do you have any questions for me?

Hint:- It is the Bonus Question hit it hard and you can get the job, Always ask something interact with interviewer more and more.


  1. Yes, I know the roles and responsibilities of a Manager but what do you expect from a Manager?
  2. Can you share more about the day to day responsibilities of this position.
  3. Yes, I know the roles and responsibilities of a Manager but Can you talk about company culture a bit.

Closing Statement:-

Candidate must prepare a closing statement, it really impress and gives a stamp on mind of the interviewer.


Example 1:- “Thank you for your time. It was great meeting with you, <NAME>! I’m looking forward to hearing feedback, and don’t hesitate to contact me in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns.”

 Example 2:- “Thanks for meeting with me. I’m excited about the role, and it sounds like a great fit based on my experience in X and Y. I’m looking forward to hearing about the next steps, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns in the meantime!” 

 Example 3:- “The job sounds great. I’m definitely interested. What is the next step?”

 Example 4:- “I’m confident that this is the job I want. Is there anything preventing you from offering me the position today?”



Disclaimer: – The information compiled are my personal observation and Experience. Neither Author nor Yes GST (collectively referred as we) assume no responsibility thereof. The user of the information agrees that the information is not a professional advice and is subject to change without notice. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or incidental damage resulting from, arising out of or in connection with the use of the information in any circumstances.

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